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Thank you for sharing valuable information & your efforts for the awareness about Sanatan -Renu Bhatt

As good as books. very nice -Prajeesh

Outstanding! 🌟🏆👏 -User_se91rp

Thank you for spreading positivity in our life. The work you are doing to preserve humanity is admirable . -Priya

My day starts with Vedadhara🌺🌺 -Priyansh Rai

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Knowledge Bank

What was the original name of Thondaradipodi Azhwar?


What are the 3 types of Utsavas performed in Temples?

1. Nitya - worship performed daily and on specific days (such as purnima in Devi temples) is called nityotsava. 2. Naimittika - rituals performed on special occasions such as grahana, earth quake, etc. 3. Kamya - celebration offered as per someone's desire (like special rituals on someone's birthday). Knowing the types of Utsavas helps in preserving and appreciating the rich cultural heritage associated with temple rituals. It fosters a deeper connection to the traditions and customs that have been passed down through generations.


Who is Gomatha ?

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