Where is Naina Devi temple?

Naina Devi temple is in the Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh. It is 105 km from Chandigarh and 22 km from Anandpur Sahib.


Why is Naina Devi Temple famous?

Naina Devi Temple is one among the 51 Shakti pithas. Sati Devi’s eyes fell here. This is also the place where Durga Devi plucked out Mahishasura’s eyes.


How can I reach Mata Naina Devi?

Naina Devi is 105 km from Chandigarh. Bus service is available. Nearest Airport is also Chandigarh. The nearest Railway station is Anandpur Sahib at a distance of 22 km.


Who is Goddess Naina?

Mahishasura Mardini. She is one aspect of Durga Devi.


Why Naina Devi is called Naina Devi?

Because the eyes of Sati Devi fell at this place after Lord Vishnu cut her body into pieces with his Sudarshana chakra.


Naina Devi and Guru Gobind Singh

Guru Gobind Singh Ji performed tapasya at Naina devi and did havan for more than a year. Devi appeared before him, gave him a sword, and blessed him with success. Before setting out for Anandpur Sahib, Guru Ji wrote a Hukamnama with the tip of an arrow on a copper plate. This is still available at the temple.


Is Naina Devi a shakti peeth?

Yes. Sati Devi’s eyes fell here.


Naina Devi temple connectivity


How to reach Naina Devi temple from Delhi?

  • Fly to Chandigarh. Take taxi or bus from Chandigarh (140 km).
  • Fly to Dharamsala. Take taxi or bus from Dharamsala (165 km)
  • Take train to Anandpur Sahib (7 hrs). Take taxi or bus from Anandpur Sahib (53 km).
  • Take taxi or drive straight to Naina Devi (370 km).


How to reach Naina Devi temple from Chandigarh?

Take bus or taxi (140 km).


How to reach Naina Devi from Anandpur Sahib?

Take bus or taxi (53 km).


Naina Devi cable car

  • Adults - Rs.130 one way and Rs.190 two way
  • Children - Rs.60 one way and Rs.90 two way


Naina Devi to Chintpurni distance

110 km.


Naina Devi to Baba Balak Nath

120 km


Naina Devi to Kufri distance

140 km


Una to Naina Devi distance

57 km


Nainadevi Weather

  • January to March - lowest temperature 15 degree celsius
  • April - May - average temperature  25 degree celsius
  • June - July - highest temperature  37 degree celsius
  • August - September - average temperature  25 degree celsius
  • October - November - average temperature 20 degrees celsius
  • December - average temperature 12 degrees celsius


Naina Devi altitude 

1159 m from MSL.


What devotees are saying


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Knowledge Bank

How far is Anandpur Sahib from Naina Devi?

22 km.

How many steps are there in Naina Devi Temple?

130 steps from where the ropeway lands. From the bus stand, it is 300 steps.


There is one more famous Naina Devi Temple other than Himachal Pradesh. Where is it?

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