According to Devi Bhagavata, during vanavasa Agni Bhagavan came to Lord Rama and told him that time has come for him to eliminate Ravana. As a provocation for this, Ravana will abduct Sita Devi. To make sure that she doesn't become impure because of Ravana touching her, Agni would create a replica of Sita Devi and keep the original Devi with him. This replica is Maya Sita. Ravana will be able to abduct only Maya Sita. After destroying Ravana when they return to Ayodhya, Sita will be compelled to enter into the fire to prove her purity. At that time, Agni Bhagavan will take back Maya Sita and the original Devi will come out. Lord Rama agreed.
Saraswati Devi's veena is called Kacchapi (เคเคเฅเคเคชเฅ).
Skanda Mantra For Protection Of Infants
tapasaam tejasaam chaiva yashasaam vapushaam tathaa . nidhaanam yo'vyayo devah' sa te skandah' praseedatu .....
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Vedavyasa Ashtakam
sujane matito vilopite nikhile gautamashaapatomaraih'. kamalaasanapoorvakaisstato matido mestu sa baadaraayanah'.....
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