Mantra for dana

अद्य अमुके मासि अमुके पक्षे अमुकतिथौ अमुकराशिस्थिते भास्करे भारतवर्षाख्यभूप्रदेशे अमुकगोत्रः अमुकशर्माहं अमुककामः अमुकगोत्राय अमुकप्रवराय अमुकशर्मणे ब्राह्मणाय इदममुकद्रव्यं अमुकदैवतं तुभ्यमहं संप्रददे।

Mantra for giving dakshina along with dana

अद्य अमुके मासि अमुके पक्षे अमुकतिथौ अमुकराशिस्थिते भास्करे भारतवर्षाख्यभूप्रदेशे अमुकशर्माहं  अमुककामनया कृतस्य अमुकदानकर्मणः प्रतिष्ठार्थंं इमां दक्षिणां अमुकगोत्राय अमुकप्रवराय अमुकशर्मणे ब्राह्मणाय तुभ्यमहं संप्रददे।




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All your messages are very very useful -RAVI JAGANNATHAN

Thanks for sharing the valuable knowledge -Arjun kamisetty

Very happy to see Vedadhara in its mission for Hinduism's future -Keshab Deb

Very reassuring😌 -Priyank

Vedadhara gives us so much exposure to the treasures in our Vedas...blessed😇 -Kamala Pillai

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Knowledge Bank

Who was Adrika?

Adrika was a fish and Satyavati's mother. She was originally an apsaras and became a fish as cursed by Brahma. She was living in a river on earth. King Vasu also known as Uparichara was once in a distant forest. While thinking about his newly wed wife, his semen came out. He sent it to the queen for conceiving through a falcon. As the falcon was flying over the river where Adrika was, it was attacked by another falcon. The semen fell in the river. It was swallowed by Adrika and she became pregnant. The fishermen caught her later and when they cut her open, found a boy and girl inside. Adrika went back to Swarga.

Science vis.a.vis Philosophy

The aim of Science is to describe facts. The aim of Philosophy is to interpret them. Science says how thins happen. Philosophy explains why things happen.


Who is called Jeemootaketu ?

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