Agamas are religious texts of Hinduism.
The sadhana and worship of the Shaiva, Vaishnava, and Shakta sects of Hinduism are based on the Agamas.
Agamas are mainly about idol worship and temples.
The term Agama indicates knowledge that is transmitted in a guru - shishya lineage.
Vedas are called Nigamas.
Agamas are the essence of Vedas.
They prescribe the same code of conduct that Vedas also prescribe.
Saivism was prevalent throughout Bharata Varsha.
Its main centers were - Pasupatinatha of Nepal, Kedareswara, Vishwanatha of Varanasi, Somanatha of Saurashtra, Ramanatha of Rameswaram, Mahabaleswara of Gokarna, Mahakala of Ujjaiyini, Gangadwara of the Himalayas, Virupaksha of Hemakuta, Sasisekhara of Prabhasa, and Vijaya of Kashmir.
There were several sects within Saivism such as Pashupata, Kapalika, Karunika Siddhanti, Maha vrata dhara, Kala damana, Kala mukha, and Maheshwara.
Saivagamas are of four types -
Saivagamas belong mainly to the Kashmir and the South Indian traditions.
The Kashmir tradition is also known as the Trika system.
In South India, Saivism flourished in the forms of Tamil Saivism and Veera Saivism of Karnataka.
Agamas are subdivided into Mulagamas and Upagamas.
The Mulagamas are subdivided into Shivabheda and Rudrabheda.
These ten Agamas were received by Shivabhattaraka first.
These 18 Agamas were revealed to the Rudras.
Together these 28 Agamas contain 20,10,00,10,19,38,44,000 verses.
These Agamas have got their own Upagamas.
Put together the texts of Saiva Siddhanta of South India are 207 in number.
elaborates the concepts of Saivism.
deals with idol worship at home and temples, singing of shlokas, etc.
prescribes rules for sadhakas.
about the higher aspects of sadhana involving Yoga.
Deeksha or initiation is a very important part of Agama tradition.
The initiator is called Guru, Deshika, or Acharya.
The initiated is called Shishya, or Deekshya.
During initiation, the disciple is purified with the power of mantras.
His impurity which can be a hindrance to his spiritual progress is washed away.
Siva himself is present in the body of the guru at the time of giving initiation.
There are three stages in Agama Deeksha - Samaya, Vishesha, and Nirvana.
Nirvana deeksha has two stages - Bhautika and Naishtika.
The padas taught in each stage are as follows -
Samaya deeksha confers Siva Salokya.
Vishesha deeksha confers Siva Sameepya.
Bhautika deeksha confers Siva Saroopya.
Naishtika deeksha confers Siva Sayujya.
Saivagamas assert that liberation is obtained not through knowledge but through deeksha.
Someone is initiated only when Siva’s grace falls upon him.
Jarasandha is the father-in-law of Kamsa. Two daughters of Jarasandha, Asti, and Prapti were married to Kamsa. That is the reason Jarasandha attacked Mathura multiple times after Krishna killed Kamsa.
Markandeya was born to Sage Mrikandu and his wife Marudmati after many years of penance. However, he was destined to live only for 16 years. On the day of his 16th birthday, Yama, the god of death, came to take his soul. Markandeya, a devout worshiper of Lord Shiva, clung to a Shiva Lingam and prayed fervently. Moved by his devotion, Lord Shiva appeared and blessed him with eternal life, defeating Yama in the process. This story highlights the power of devotion and the grace of Lord Shiva.
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