The duration of a Kalpa is 4.32 billion years. At the end of the Kalpa, a pralaya called Braahma-pralaya occurs. This is also called Naimittika pralaya or cosmic dissolution. In this pralaya, the three worlds- Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, and Swarloka are completely destroyed. The occupants of Maharloka shift to Jana-Loka and live there till the beginning of the next Kalpa. At the beginning of the next Kalpa, the universe is created from Maharloka downwards. Padma Purana.Srishti Khanda.
Agrasandhani (अग्रसन्धानी) is the book in which the good and bad deeds of everyone are recorded. This book is in Yamaloka. Chitragupta is in charge of this book.
The Two Paths: Worldly Joy vs. Spiritual Joy in Kathopanishad
The Kathopanishad teaches us through Nachiketas that worldly joy is temporary, while the pursuit of truth and self-realization brings lasting peace.....
Click here to know more..Pundareekaksha - Meaning
Meaning of divya nama Pundareekaksha from Vishnu Sahasranama....
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kri'ttikaa paramaa devee rohinee ruchiraananaa. shreemaan mri'gashiraa bhadraa aardraa cha paramojjvalaa.....
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