Abhinaya means acting.
It is conveying the ideas and emotions of a script, song, or poem to an audience through gestures, expressions, and movements.
Abhinaya is Sanskrit means to carry towards.
Carrying of ideas and emotions towards the audience.
Carrying of ideas and emotions of the poet or writer towards the audience.
Ideas and emotions hitherto confined to text.
Abhinaya has got two essentials - rasa (flavour), and bhava (emotion).
Abhinaya is there both in drama, and dance.
A lot of importance is given to dress, costume, and decoration in abhinaya.
It is very effective to convey the nature of a character through these.
The four types are -
An accomplished actor would employ satwikabhinaya very effectively.
1. Kedranath. 2. Tungnath. 3. Rudranath. 4. Madmaheshwar. 5. Kalpeshwar.
Shishupala was the king of Chedi. Dantavakra was the king of Karusha. They were incarnations of Jaya-Vijaya on earth towards the end of Dwapara yuga. Both were killed by Sri Krishna.
Sri Suktam Explained - Part 12
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svasti shreegananaayako gajamukho moreshvarah' siddhido ballaal'astu vinaayakastvatha mad'he chintaamanisthevare. lenyaadrau girijaatmajah' suvarado v....
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