The Nakshatra which spreads from 6 degrees 40 minutes to 20 degrees of Mithuna Rashi is called Ardra (आर्द्रा). This is the sixth nakshatra in Vedic Astronomy. In Modern Astronomy, Ardra corresponds to Betelgeuse. 


Traits of those born in Ardra Nakshatra are:


ॐ रुद्राय नमः

om rudraya namah'


Click below to listen to Ardra Nakshatra Mantra 


Ardra Nakshatra Mantra 108 Times | Ardra Nakshatra Devta Mantra | Ardra Nakshatra Vedic Mantra Jaap


Unfavorable Nakshatras

Those born in Ardra Nakshatra should avoid important events on these days and also avoid partnerships with those belonging to these Nakshatras. 

Health issues

Those born in Ardra Nakshatra are prone to these health issues:

Suitable career

They will maintain good relationships at work. Dubious activities can land them in trouble.

Some of the suitable careers for those born in Ardra Nakshatra are:

Can Ardra Nakshatra wear diamond?

Yes. Diamond is favorable. 

Lucky stone

Gomed (Hessonite) 

Favorable colors

Black, dark blue 

Names for Ardra Nakshatra

The starting letter of the name as per Avakahadadi system for Ardra Nakshatra is:

These letters can be used for the traditional Nakshatra name kept at the time of the naming ceremony.

In some communities, the names of the grandparents are kept during the naming ceremony. There is no harm in following that system.

Shastra prescribes that the official name kept for records and all practical purposes should be different from this. It is called Vyavaharika nama. The Nakshatra name as per the above system should be known only to close family members.

Letters that you should avoid in the official name for those born in Ardra Nakshatra are - च, छ, ज, झ, त, थ, द, ध, न, उ, ऊ, ऋ, ष (Cha, Chha, Ja, Jha, Ta, Tha, Da, Dha, Na, U, Oo, Ri', Sha) 


Those born in Ardra Nakshatra have to take care not to be dishonest to their spouse. 


Periods of Surya, Sani, and Ketu are generally unfavorable for those born in Ardra Nakshatra. They may perform the following remedies.

Ardra Nakshatra




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What are the unforgivable sins in Hinduism?

Five sins called the Pancha Maha Patakas are unforgivable in Hinduism. They are - killing a noble Brahmin, stealing gold, drinking liquor, having an illicit relationship with Guru’s wife, and keeping the company of those committing the above four sins.

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