Personally if I were a native of India I would not adopt any foreign custom unless I was satisfied that I ought to do so. Certainly I would not give up the Indian salutation for an English handshake. I should. see no object in doing so except to imitate, and thereby acknowledge the superiority of a foreign civilization. - John Woodroffe (Author)
Several places are considered to be locations of Agastya ashrama: Akole, Maharashtra; Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh; Agastyamuni village, Uttarakhand; Satpura range, Madhya Pradesh; Agasthiyar koodam, Kerala-Tamil Nadu border.
Lord Dattatreya reveals a powerful secret
The Lamp: A lesson in true value
The Lamp: A lesson in true value....
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siddhibuddhipatim vande shreeganaadheeshvaram mudaa. tasya yo vandanam kuryaat sa dheenaam yogaminvati. vande kaasheepatim kaashee jaataa yatkri'payaa....
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