There is a wrong impression that the Hindu spiritual spectrum is dominated by men.
Hinduism, right from the Vedic age has considered women as equals to men.
Scriptures such as Devi Bhagavata have even placed feminine power above masculine power.
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Rishika is the feminine gender of Rishi.
The term Rishi has got two meanings:
By observing intense tapas.
Intense tapas purifies the mind.
In a pure mind, knowledge in the form of mantras arises.
This is different from knowledge acquired through books and learning.
If you look at the Vedic corpus, it becomes clear that all the Rishis and Rishikas have observed tapas.
They can.
Along with every Sukta of the Vedas, the name of the Rishi or Rishika to whom it was revealed is also mentioned.
Vedanta is the culmination of Hindu Philosophical thought. Vedanta primarily consists of Brahma Sutras written by Badarayana, Bhagavad Gita, and the Upanishads collectively called the Prasthana Trayi and also their interpretations by scholars such as Sankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, and Madhvacharya. Brama Sutras are Upanishadic principles expressed in a concise Sutra format. Bhagavad Gita is a Smriti - Upanishad whereas the other Upanishads are Shruti - Upanishads.
Ayodhya is on the banks of the famous Sarayu river. Sarayu is also known as Ghaghara.
Five Lingas You Should Worship Everyday
Pushed Out, Yet Concerned For Their Welfare
Pushed Out, Yet Concerned For Their Welfare....
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angaarakah' shaktidharo lohitaango dharaasutah'. kumaaro mangalo bhaumo mahaakaayo dhanapradah'. ri'nahartaa dri'sht'ikartaa rogakri'droganaashanah'. ....
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