Let us find out which yoga is suitable for you depending on your nature and characteristics.


Four forms of yoga according to Shiva-Samhita

They are: Mantra-yoga, Hatha-yoga, Laya-yoga, and Raja-yoga.

Mantra-yoga: achieving the state of yoga through the chanting of mantras.

Hatha-yoga: achieving the state of yoga focusing on physical acts such as asanas and kriyas.

Laya-yoga: achieving the state of yoga through meditation.

Raja-yoga: achieving the state of yoga through shunning of all forms of duality.




Four types of sadhakas


What are the basic qualities needed for yoga-sadhana?


What are the characteristics of the Basic-sadhaka?

He has all the above qualities to some extent, but:


Which yoga is suitable for the Basic-sadhaka?


He can attain success in twelve years by divine grace.


What are the characteristics of the Intermediate-sadhaka?


Which yoga is suitable for the Intermediate-sadhaka?

Laya-yoga is ideal for the Intermediate-sadhaka.


What are the characteristics of the Advanced-sadhaka?


Which yoga is suitable for the Advanced-sadhaka?


He will be able to accomplish siddhi in six years.


What are the characteristics of the Perfect-sadhaka?


Which yoga is suitable for the Perfect-sadhaka?

All yogas are suitable for him including Raja-yoga.




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🙏🙏🙏 -Geetha Raman

very detailed explanation sir, thank you 🙏❤️💯 -Sandesh

Beautiful and crisp and thought-provoking talk. Thanks Guruji.💐 -Gautam Mohan

Very useful to focus on spirituality in this diverse world. -Muthulakshmi

The work Vedadhara is doing for Hinduism's future is inspiring -Durga Devi

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Knowledge Bank

Is yoga an exercise?

The purpose of yoga is to get rid of duality and see oneness in everything. This is attained in the state of samadhi. To achieve samadhi, long and rigorous practice is required. Physical fitness is essential for this. Postures of yoga called asanas give physical fitness. In the state of samadhi, the mind becomes still and calm. By regulating breathing through pranayama, mind control is achieved. Yoga is good for physical and mental fitness.

Which are the ashtangas of yoga?

1.Yama - abstinence from worldly distractions 2.Niyama - observance of spiritual rules 3.Asana - the practice of postures for physical fitness 4.Pranayama - attaining mind control through regulation of breathing 5.Pratyahara - withdrawing the senses from external objects 6.Dharana - concentration 7.Dhyana - meditation 8.Samadhi - keeping the mind still.


Who wrote Gheranda Samhita?

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