Vaishravana (Kubera), after performing intense penance, received the position of one of the Lokapalas and the Pushpaka Vimana. Following his father Vishrava's instructions, he resided in Lanka. Seeing Kubera's grandeur, Kaikasi, the second wife of Vishrava, encouraged her son Ravana to achieve similar greatness. Inspired by his mother, Ravana, along with his brothers Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana, went to Gokarna to perform severe penance. Ravana performed this intense penance for 10,000 years. At the end of every thousand years, he would offer one of his heads into the fire as a sacrifice. He did this for nine thousand years, sacrificing his nine heads.In the tenth thousand year, as he was about to offer his last head, Brahma appeared, pleased with Ravana's penance. Brahma granted him a boon making him invincible to gods, demons, and other celestial beings, and restored his nine sacrificed heads, thus giving him ten heads.
Shraddha does not only gratify one's ancestors. A person who performs Shraddha as per proper rituals and according to their means brings satisfaction to all beings, from Brahma to grass. - Brahma Purana
In darshanas, you will see this term Tanmatra. Shabda-sparsha-roopa-rasa-gandha Tanmatras. What exactly is Tanmatra? Take Shabda-Tanmatra for example. Of course, vibration produces sound. But vibration and sound are different. If there is no medium of transmission between the source of the vibration and the listener then there is no sound. But vibration is still there. Now, the power or listening varies from person to person. A trained ear can listen much much more than an ordinary ear. You mu....
In darshanas, you will see this term Tanmatra.
Shabda-sparsha-roopa-rasa-gandha Tanmatras.
What exactly is Tanmatra?
Take Shabda-Tanmatra for example.
Of course, vibration produces sound.
But vibration and sound are different.
If there is no medium of transmission between the source of the vibration and the listener then there is no sound.
But vibration is still there.
Now, the power or listening varies from person to person.
A trained ear can listen much much more than an ordinary ear.
You must have seen the judges in those reality shows.
Even minor deviation in shruti or swara-sthana of the participants they can point out.
A sound engineer can detect very subtle hiss and hum in a recording even to specific frequencies and filter them out.
This is among humans.
There is an instrument called dog dazer used to chase away aggressive dogs.
We won't able to hear, but dogs can hear the vibrations coming from that.
They are unbearable for the dogs and they run away.
If the dog is deaf, it wouldn't matter.
With all these alterations possible, what we hear may not be even the original sound produced by the vibrations.
Earlier we saw sound being divided into para and aprara.
On top of the apara sounds, there was this perfect ear, which hears every sound, as it is, which doesn't distort sound.
What the perfect ear can hear, the pure undistorted sound is called Shabda-Tanmatra.
Sound fully in conformity with the source vibrations.
This is Shabda-Tanmatra.
Same with the other sensory organs also.
Sparsha, roopa, rasa, and gandha.
Touch, vision, taste, and smell.
Elsewhere we have seen earlier, how the sensitivity towards pleasure goes up in the higher realms of existence.
It is not that in Swargaloka there are enjoyments different from what we have on earth, I mean completely different.
They are the same- food, music experienced through the sensory organs.
But when you are in Swarga your sensitivity is much much more.
So if a Rasagulla is giving you pleasure of let's say 10 when on earth, the same Rasagulla will give you pleasure of 10,000 when in Swarga.
So going up and up in the ladder, when the sensitivity of the ear is perfect what it hears is Shabda-Tanmatra.
The original sound.
Without any distortion imposed by the ears or the auditory nerves or the auditory system.
Even the medium of transmission up to the ear, even that would distort sound.
If sound passes through water, it is distorted.
So pure sound is Shabda-Tanmatra.
What you end up hearing is just sound, shabda.
In yoga, there is a state called Vicharanugata-samprajnata-samadhi.
If this is perfected, the Tanmatras can be experienced to some extent.
That is at the level of the mind.
Without the need for any external source.
Sarasa Sama Dana Bheda Danda Chatura
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atha dvaadasho'dhyaayah' . bhaktiyogah' . arjuna uvaacha - evam' satatayuktaa ye bhaktaastvaam' paryupaasate . ye chaapyaksharamavyaktam' teshaam' k....
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