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Thanks for the wonderful informations and insights into hindu religion. Namaskarams 🙏 -Shanthi Sukumar

Impressive! 😲🌟👏 -Anjali Iyer

Because of your hardwork, Sanatan Dharma is progresing 🌟 -Ramya Shivan

Thank you so much for bringing the eternal knowledge of sanatan dharma to us -Sanj

❤️ this website❤️❤️ -Prema Menon

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Rama Nama | Prince Of All Remedies


Knowledge Bank

Interesting relation between Parvathy Devi and Brahma

Lord Shiva only created Brahma, so Brahma is Devi’s son. Then later, Rudra came out from the middle of the eyebrows of Brahma, so Brahma is Rudra’s father and hence Devi’s father-in-law. Himavan is Brahma’s son, so Brahma is also Devi’s grandfather.

Five kinds of purification in puja

1. Atma Shuddhi - purification of the worshipper. 2. Bimba Shuddhi - purification of the idol. 3. Sthala Shuddhi - purification of the place. 4. Dravya Shuddhi - purification of the articles of worship. 5. Mantra Shuddhi - purification of the mantras used in the worship.


Which is the Tamil grammar text written by Agastya?

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