When dharma declined, Bhumi Devi withdrew everything inside her. King Prithu asked her to return them. Prithu aimed an arrow at her when she refused. Bhumi became a cow and ran away. Prithu chased her. Finally, Bhumi asked Prithu to milk out everything from her. Since Prithu milked her, she became Prithvi.
Sometimes a plate with 1,000 holes is used to perform abhisheka. It looks like a shower. This is called Sahasra Dharabhisheka.
Durga Devi is anger embodied
Qualities Of Abhimanyu
All the noble qualities of Krishna, the resolve of Yudhishtira, the fearlessness of Bhima, the skill of Arjuna, and the humility of Sahadeva and Nakul....
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yasyaam hi vyaapyate raamakathaakeerttanajodhvanih'. tasyai shreemadayodhyaaye nityam bhooyaat sumangalam. shreeraamajanmabhoomiryaa mahaavaibhavabhoo....
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