Staying away from himsa is called ahimsa. To hurt someone or some being through deeds, words, or even thinking about hurting is himsa. Himsa is done due to greed, rage, or a false presumption that you are doing the right thing. Himsa is perpetrated by oneself or through someone else. Closing your eyes towards himsa when you have the power to interfere is also himsa. The gravity of himsa can be mild, medium, or intense. Staying away from all these twenty-seven types of himsa is ahimsa.
Vedas are still studied following the system of oral transmission. The teacher chants a mantra and the students repeat after him till it is memorized and its pronunciation perfected.
Importance of Hreem- the shakti beejakshara
Goddess Lakshmi Resides in Cow Dung and Urine
Hanumat Kreeda Stotram
vaayuputra mahaaveera spardhaayaam' dehi me jayam . tvam' hi me hri'dayasthaayee kri'payaa paripaalaya ......
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