The story behind Ganesha's broken tusk varies. One version from the Mahabharata states that Ganesha broke his tusk to use it as a pen to write the epic dictated by Vyasa. Another version mentions that Ganesha broke his tusk in a fight with Parashurama, another avatar of Vishnu.
1. Hiranyakasha-Hiranyakashipu 2. Ravana-Kumbhakarna 3. Shishupala-Dantavakra.
Shlokas 38-46. Chapter 1
Bhagavad Gita highlights how destroying family values undermines social and moral order.....
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Muni cursed them - You will all become very lowly people. You will lose your right over the Vedas and Gayatri Mantra. You will lose interest in spirit....
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नीलाम्बरो नीलवपुः किरीटी गृध्रस्थितस्त्रासकरो धनुष्म�....
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