Dronacharya asked the Pandavas and Kauravas to capture King Drupada in the form of his guru-dakshina. This was their first real battle. They set out to Panchala. In the battle that ensued, initially, the Pandavas did not enter the city; they waited outside. The Kauravas went in alone and were badly defeated. Then the Pandavas went in. After causing great damage to Drupada's army, the Pandavas captured Drupada.
Veda Vysasa is known as Badarayana.
There is nothing wrong with idol worship
How Chyavana Maharshi got his name
Sri Rangaraja Stotram
rangastotramidam' punyam' praatah'kaale pat'hennarah' . kot'ijanmaarjitam' paapam' smaranena vinashyati ......
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