Are there any lectures available on "Yog Vashishtha" on this channel?? -ADWAIT VIVEK POTNIS
Thank you for your service. Planet earth is better because of people like you
😌 -Vidyut Gupta
Honored to be involved in Vedadhara's charitable activities -Kajal salian
Nice -Same RD
The Lotus flower blooms at Sunrise every morning to spread its fragrance and beauty all around.So is VedaDhara to its followers spreading Spiritual Knowledge through its messages and Divine vibrations all over through its chants.Dhanyosmi. -Hema Raghavan
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Knowledge Bank
What is likhita japa?
Writing down a mantra or a nama instead of chanting it is called likhita japa. Namatraya astra mantra is very effective if you perform likhita japa instead of oral or mental chanting. People fill out books doing likhita japa and keep them at home as an armor.
What are the main features of bhakti?
1. Ability to destroy suffering 2. Attainment of auspiciousness 3. Indifference to getting moksha 4. Difficulty of reaching the state of pure devotion 5. Manifestation of absolute bliss 6. Ability to attract Lord Krishna.