Geeta Vidya involves the art of singing, while Vadya Vidya focuses on playing musical instruments. These arts hold cultural importance as they contribute to the expression of emotions and the creation of harmonious melodies, reflecting the profound connection between sound and human experience.
Primal energies were used to create the world and they can be influenced using mantras
Agnivesha gave Brahmashirsha-Astra and Agneyastra to Dronacharya.Learn more........
Click here to know more..Ganesha Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram
kri'taa naiva poojaa mayaa bhaktyabhaavaat prabho mandiram naiva dri'sht'am tavaikam| kshamaasheela kaarunyapoorna praseeda samastaaparaadham kshamas....
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