We have seen that in the Vedic age, the Vedic Yuga, the three worlds Bhumi, Antariksha, and Swarga existed on the surface of the Earth also. They are respectively Bharata Varsha, Central Asia, and Siberia.
Central Asia and Siberia were lands of abundance. Central Asia was inhabited by Upa Devatas like Yakshas and Gandharvas. Siberia was inhabited by Devas of Earth.
But then, when did this change? It changed due to heavy ice fall which happened sometime in the past. This turned Central Asia into a desert and Siberia into what Siberia is today.
In the previous episode, we have seen that even modern science agrees with this. Only the time is not certain. Science says it was some 20,000 years back. Is this the time that scriptures refer to? We are not sure and need to study this more.
As per our scriptures, this event, the ice fall, occurred when Dhruva Nakshatra came right above Mount Meru once. Mount Meru is the Pamir Mountains, as we have already seen. Bhaskaracharya, in his treatise on astronomy Siddhanta Shiromani, says:
वसन्ति मेरौ सुरसिद्धसङ्घा और्वे च सर्वे नरकाः सदैत्याः ॥
The Devas and Upa Devatas such as Siddhas live in Meru, in and around Meru. The Devayonis such as Siddhas and Yakshas live below the Pamir, meaning to the south of Pamir up to the Himalayas, and the Devas live above the Pamir, meaning to the north of the Himalayas.
There is extreme cold under Dhruva Nakshatra. Dhruva Nakshatra is the Pole Star. Dhruva means stationary. Even though we call it stationary, it is not truly stationary. Its movement is so slow that we consider it stationary. During its movement, when Dhruva Nakshatra came above Pamir, Meru, the extreme cold turned the areas around the Pamir into a desert, including Siberia, the erstwhile Swarga Loka on Earth.
Modern astronomy also says that the star above the North Pole is not always the same.
Now it is a star pair - Alpha Ursae Minoris and Sigma Octantis. Till about 800 years back, it was another pair - Kochab and Pherkad. That means there is movement around the sky even at the North Pole.
Now I will tell you how to understand this. Visualize that you are standing at the North Pole. Look straight up; you should see Dhruva Nakshatra right above your head. Look around, and you will see the horizons all around you.
The sky is like a hemisphere above you, with Dhruva Nakshatra at the center top. Now visualize the latitude circles in the sky, separate from each other by one degree. Ninety such circles become bigger and bigger as they come down to your level. The circle of the horizon around you will be the 90th circle from Dhruva Nakshatra. I am talking about latitude circles in the sky, not on the surface of the Earth.
Now, the 24th circle from the top is called Kadamba Prota Vrittam. Indian astronomy also talks about the importance of this latitude circle. There is a point on this circle called Naka Bindu. This is the same point that the Veda talks about as:
तद् विष्णोः परमं पदम्।
Scholars keep observing this point because it is around this point that the Dhruva Nakshatra rotates. Again, through a circle 24 degrees below this point, just like how the Kadamba Prota Vritta is below the Dhruva Nakshatra at 24 degrees, the circle of rotation of Dhruva Nakshatra is also below Naka Bindu at 24 degrees, like a latitude circle.
During such rotation, once, when Dhruva Nakshatra came above the Pamir, due to the extreme cold below Dhruva Nakshatra, the ice precipitation happened, and the whole area turned into a desert.
Now, we will also see here the importance of the Swastika. This circle of rotation of Dhruva Nakshatra, if you see its two-dimensional projection, has the Naka Bindu at its center. Draw two lines through the center intersecting each other at 90 degrees. This creates four lines of radius. From the points where these lines meet the circle, you will see arcs of the circle connected to them.
If you erase half of these arcs before each of these points, you will have the shape of a Swastika. Normally, we draw a Swastika as two lines perpendicular to each other and four lines perpendicular to these lines, drawn from their ends. This is not accurate. The two lines intersecting at the center are straight lines, but the other four lines should be arcs, not straight lines.
What does it represent? It represents the movement of Dhruva Tara, showing that nothing in the created world is unchanging. Everything changes. Everything moves. That is why it is called Jagat in the first place. This is what is auspicious about the Swastika. It represents this concept.
What we thought was stationary, the Dhruva Nakshatra, even that is not stationary. It rotates around the Naka Bindu. This is what scholars realize when they look at Vishnoh Param Pada. This is what they teach us.
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