All Puranas including Garud Puran are collections of narrations abour real incidents of the past as well as universal truths as revealed in the Vedas.
The duration of a Kalpa is 4.32 billion years. At the end of the Kalpa, a pralaya called Braahma-pralaya occurs. This is also called Naimittika pralaya or cosmic dissolution. In this pralaya, the three worlds- Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, and Swarloka are completely destroyed. The occupants of Maharloka shift to Jana-Loka and live there till the beginning of the next Kalpa. At the beginning of the next Kalpa, the universe is created from Maharloka downwards. Padma Purana.Srishti Khanda.
Kubera Mantra For Abundance
yakshaaya kuberaaya vaishravanaaya dhanadhaanyaadhipataye dhanadhaanyaadhipatyam me dehi dadaapaya svaahaa....
Click here to know more..Yajurveda Ghanaparayanam
Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 12
atha dvaadasho'dhyaayah' . bhaktiyogah' . arjuna uvaacha - evam' satatayuktaa ye bhaktaastvaam' paryupaasate . ye chaapyaksharamavyaktam' teshaam' k....
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