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Very happy to see Vedadhara in its mission for Hinduism's future -Keshab Deb

very detailed explanation sir,ย thankย youย ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฏ -Sandesh

Thanking you for spreading knowledge selflessly -Purushottam Ojha

Your accurate and authoritative content makes scriptures easy to understand ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ’ -Koteswar Rao

Very useful to focus on spirituality in this diverse world. -Muthulakshmi

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Knowledge Bank

Embracing Fulfillment Through Devotion

To discover true fulfillment and joy in life, take inspiration from the women of Vraja. They are the most fortunate because their hearts and minds are entirely devoted to Krishna. Whether milking cows, churning butter, or caring for their children, they sing His praises with unwavering devotion. By integrating Krishna into every aspect of their lives, they experience a profound sense of peace, happiness, and contentment. This constant connection to the divine ensures that all desirable things come to them naturally. By making Krishna the center of your own life, you too can find fulfillment in every moment, regardless of the task at hand.

Who first discovered Thirukkural?

Thirukkural was transmitted down generations orally from the time of its composition. Its first paper print was in 1812 CE done by Nanapirakachar. Malayalam translation of Thirukkural dates back to 1595 CE.


Which of the following books is not connected to Vedanta?

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