The Ajivikas were an ancient Indian philosophical school founded by Gosala Maskariputra, a contemporary of the Buddha. They were strict fatalists, believing that everything in life was predetermined by destiny (niyati), leaving no room for free will. According to their philosophy, religious practices or efforts could not influence future lives, as all actions were already preordained. They likened the cycle of reincarnation (samsara) to a ball of string that unrolls until its end. The Ajivikas lived an ascetic lifestyle, often shunning clothing, as they believed this was their destined path. Though influential in southern India for many centuries, the school eventually disappeared by the 14th century.
Varuna performed a yaga towards the end of Chakshusha manvantra that caused the seven rishis to be born on earth. Bhrigu was the first to emerge from the homa kunda.
The Seasons Are Behind Life On Earth - Says Veda
The seasonal variations are responsible for life on earth. Learn more....
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Guru Totaka Stotram
smitanirjitakundasumam hyasamam mukhadhootasudhaamshumadam shamadam.....
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