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Truly grateful for your dedication to preserving our spiritual heritage😇 -Parul Gupta

wonderful mantras -User_sq7tvc

Every time I listen to your mantras, I feel a sense of peace. -Prajjwal

Vedadhara Mantras give me that inner peace and good energy! ☮️🌸 -Smriti Guha

Your slokas and messages are very nice and beautiful. They are very much useful to members -User_smo9i9

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कार्तवीर्यार्जुनो नाम राजा बाहुसहस्रवान्।
अस्य संस्मरणादेव हृतं नष्टं च लभ्यते॥

kaartaveeryaarjuno naama raajaa baahusahasravaan.
asya samsmaranaadeva hritam nashtam cha labhyate..

King Kartavirya Arjuna, the one with a thousand arms, is remembered for his power. By simply remembering him, lost or stolen items are recovered.

Listening to the Kartavirya Arjuna Mantra is believed to bring powerful benefits. It helps recover lost or stolen items by invoking the blessings of King Kartavirya Arjuna, known for his divine strength and justice. The mantra instills confidence and removes obstacles, providing mental clarity and peace. Regular chanting or listening to this mantra can also protect one’s possessions and create a sense of security. Additionally, it fosters devotion and spiritual discipline, aligning the listener with positive energy and divine grace.

Knowledge Bank

Did Kartavirya Arjuna defeat Ravana?

Yes. Ravana was defeated and imprisoned by Kartavirya Arjuna. Once, Ravana came to the banks of Narmada and was preparing to do Shiva Puja. Down the river, Kartavirya Arjuna along with his wives was playing and enjoying in the river. Kartavirya Arjuna stopped the flow of Narmada with his thousand hands. The water level rose and submerged Ravana's preparations for the Puja. Ravana attacked Kartavirya Arjuna, was defeated and imprisoned. After one year, Kartavirya Arjuna released him upon being requested by Maharshi Pulastya, Ravana's grandfather.


How many hands did Kartavirya Arjuna have?

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