1. Kama - desire 2. Krodha - anger 3. Lobha - greed 4. Moha - ignorance 5. Mada - arrogance 6. Matsarya - desire to compete
Four goals of life as per Hinduism are - 1. To live righteously. 2. To earn by fair means so that you can take care of the needs of those who depend on you. 3. To work towards achieving desires that do not harm others and yourself. 4. To attain liberation from the cycle of rebirths. These are called the 4 Purushathas.
Manifest Blessings: Dattatreya Mantra
om aim' krom' kleem' kloom' hraam' hreem' hroom' sauh' dattaatreyaaya svaahaa....
Click here to know more..Indradyumna Sarovar
Learn about the two Indradyumna Sarovars, one in the Himalayas, and the other in Puri, Odisha.....
Click here to know more..Sundara Hanuman Stotram
jaambavatsmaaritabalam' saagarollanghanotsukam. smarataam' sphoortidam' deenarakshakam' naumi maarutim.....
Click here to know more..