There was a Rishi in the vamsha of Hareeta Maharshi. His name was Maandooki. His wife was Itara. Hareeta himself was a great bhakta. Belonging to his parampara, this couple also became great bhaktas. They led a simple, noble, and virtuous life.
There was only one shortfall in their life: they didn't have a child. Maandooki started observing intense tapas to beget a child. They were blessed with a son soon. Being Itara's son, he was named Aitareya, just like how Kunti's son is called Kaunteya. He turned out to be a prodigy.
When other children would say 'mother' first, the first word that came out of this boy's mouth was 'Vasudeva.' But then, that was the only word he would say until he became eight years of age. Whenever he was awake, he kept on saying, 'Vasudeva, Vasudeva.'
You could make out that it was not mechanical chanting; he was enjoying it. There was a glow on his face. He would spend most of his daytime in the nearby Krishna temple. Everyone appreciated this miracle child. But Maandooki became concerned. He performed Aitareya's upanayana and tried teaching him the Veda.
But this boy wouldn't repeat anything that his father would say. Veda is learned by repeating after the guru, but Aitareya would say only 'Vasudeva, Vasudeva.' The father thought, 'There is something wrong with this boy. He has some learning disability.'
The parampara of knowledge had to continue, so Maandooki decided to marry again. In that marriage, many sons were born. They all became very learned subsequently.
But slowly, Aitareya and his mother started getting sidelined. She was frequently insulted. One day, after one such episode, she went looking around. As usual, the young boy was in the temple chanting 'Vasudeva, Vasudeva.' She went to him and started crying.
'See what you have done to yourself and me.'
The boy spoke for the first time. 'Mother, why are you getting agitated? Why are you getting attached to the world? This is all meaningless. Praises or insults shouldn't matter.'
She kept on crying.
'Mother, don't worry. I will take you to a position which you will cherish, if that is what you want.'
At this time, Bhagawan appeared out of the idol right in front of them. They were in awe. Bhagawan said, 'Go to Koti Teertha, Rameswaram. There, Harimedha is conducting a big yajna. You both go there.'
Itara was in awe, seeing how powerful her son really was, that Bhagawan came to bless them in physical form.
As per Bhagawan's instruction, they both went to Harimedha's yagavedi.
Upon reaching the yagavedi, Aitareya said aloud.
When Harimedha and other scholars heard this, they realized that this was no ordinary boy. They gave him a high seat and offered him respect. Then, in front of everyone, Aitareya chanted portions of the Veda that everyone knew, and also parts of the Veda that nobody had heard before.
Remember, he had not learned anything in the conventional way. This was Bhagawan's blessing.
Harimedha offered his daughter's hand to him in marriage. Aitareya became the Rishi of Aitareya Brahmanam, the portion of Rigveda corresponding to yajna.
There are many benefits to having an Ishta Devata. Worshipping your Ishta Devata can help you to: 1. Connect with your spiritual self. 2. Find guidance and protection 3. Achieve prosperity, health, and comforts. 4. Achieve moksha, or liberation from the cycle of reincarnation.
As per Krishna Yajurveda Kanda 2. Prashna 2. Anuvaka 2, women accepted part of Indra's brahmahatya dosha in return for permission for physical relationship only for pleasure. Until then, physical relationship was permitted only for procreation. A woman's body carries this sin during menstrual days. Vedic tradition advises vrata during these days, which has several health and spiritual benefits.
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