Sage Parashara once conducted a yaga called Rakshasa Satra. Thousands of Rakshasas were pulled into the fire and sacrificed during this yaga.
The Ashwamedha Yaga is seen as a symbol of the king's power and sovereignty. It is believed that by performing this ritual, the king could establish his authority over neighboring kingdoms and consolidate his power. It also assures the king a place in the Swargaloka.
Parts Of Ramayana And Ramayana Story Summary
This video tells you about the seven parts of Ramayana and summary of the story of Ramayana....
Click here to know more..How the Daityas Became Materialists
Sarayu Stotram
te'ntah' sattvamudanchayanti rachayantyaanandasaandrodayam daurbhaagyam dalayanti nishchalapadah' sambhunjate sampadah'.....
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