Rudra is one aspect of Shiva. Rudra takes care of the elimination of the universe. Shiva is Parabrahma. The abode of Rudra is Rudraloka which is above Vishnuloka. Above Rudraloka is Maheshwaraloka. Above Maheshwaraloka is Kalachakra. Above that is Shivaloka which is the abode of Shiva.
1. Janakpur in Nepal- Ayodhya is the birthplace of Lord Rama and Janakpur is the birthplace of Seetha Devi. 2. Gimhae in South Korea- Ayodhya being the birthplace of the famous queen Heo Hwang-ok.
The sixty four organs of Bhakti marga
Do you know the benefits of worshiping Lord Narasimha?
Listen to the benefits of doing Narasimha Puja....
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ramyaaya raakaapatishekharaaya raajeevanetraaya raviprabhaaya. raameshavaryaaya subuddhidaaya namo'stu rephaaya raseshvaraaya. somaaya gangaatat'asang....
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