Garuda got boon from Indra that the serpents shall be his food. A pact was reached between Garuda and the serpents that one serpent will go to Garuda every day as his food. Kaliya did not recognize this arrangement. Garuda attacked Kaliya when he was in Kalindi. Sage Saubhari was observing tapas on the banks of Kalindi at that time. The lashing of Garuda's wings splashed water all over the Sage and disturbed his tapas. The Sage cursed that if Garuda ever comes back to Kalindi, his body would shatter into a thousand pieces. Thus Kaliya continued to live in Kalindi protected from Garuda.
Tamil Brahmin wedding was originally spread over 7 days. Nowadays, most weddings take place in 2 days.
Ashtalakshmi Meditation
Ganesha Mantra to become a good leader
om namaste brahmaroopaaya ganesha karunaanidhe . bhedaa'bhedaadiheenaaya ganaanaam pataye namah' ......
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idam' tu te guhyatamam' pravakshyaamyanasooyave . jnyaanam' vijnyaanasahitam' yajjnyaatvaa mokshyase'shubhaat ......
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