There is an idol of Rishi Agastya on top of Agastyarkoodam. In addition to this, there are Agastya temples in: Papanasam, Tirunelveli dist., Tamil Nadu; Vellalappatti, Madurai dist., Tamil Nadu; Agastyamuni, Uttarakhand.
Krishna imparts teachings on duty (dharma), righteousness, devotion, and the nature of the self. His teachings emphasize the importance of performing one's duties without attachment to the results, surrendering to the divine will, and realizing one's true nature. Studying Gita will enable you to face challenges in life.
Other languages: Hindi
To Develop Wisdom Face Challenges
You can develop wisdom only if you face difficult situations in life. Then only your brain will work to find solutions.....
Click here to know more..Virtuous acts done on these days are highly beneficial
Dakshinamurthy Dashakam
punnaagavaarijaataprabhri'tisumasragvibhooshitagreevah'. puragarvamardanachanah' purato mama bhavatu dakshinaamoortih'. poojitapadaambujaatah' purusho....
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