In the Krita Yuga, Goddess Tripurasundari is addressed as 'Adya' due to her predominance. Similarly, in the Treta Yuga, Goddess Bhuvaneshwari holds the title of 'Adya,' in the Dvapara Yuga, Goddess Tara is known as 'Adya,' and in the Kali Yuga, Goddess Kali is addressed as 'Adya.'
Mesha rashi
Doddagaddavalli Lakshmi Devi Temple
Of the four cells, the Lakshmidevi and the Bhutanatha cells face cach other; so also do the Vishnu and the Kali cells, only at a greater interval.....
Click here to know more..Rahu Mantra for Protection
om neelaambaraaya vidmahe shooladharaaya dheemahi. tanno raahuh' prachodayaat.....
Click here to know more..Kedarnath Kavach
keyooraadivibhooshitaih' karatalairatnaankitaih' sundaram naanaahaaravichitrapannagayutairhemaambarairmand'itam. hastaabhyaam dhri'takhad'gapaatrad'am....
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