There is an idol of Rishi Agastya on top of Agastyarkoodam. In addition to this, there are Agastya temples in: Papanasam, Tirunelveli dist., Tamil Nadu; Vellalappatti, Madurai dist., Tamil Nadu; Agastyamuni, Uttarakhand.
The duration of a Kalpa is 4.32 billion years. At the end of the Kalpa, a pralaya called Braahma-pralaya occurs. This is also called Naimittika pralaya or cosmic dissolution. In this pralaya, the three worlds- Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, and Swarloka are completely destroyed. The occupants of Maharloka shift to Jana-Loka and live there till the beginning of the next Kalpa. At the beginning of the next Kalpa, the universe is created from Maharloka downwards. Padma Purana.Srishti Khanda.
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om namah' kamalavaasinyai svaahaa .....
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Discover the eternal wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita: 'The soul kills not, nor is it killed.' Embrace the teachings of Sankhya Yoga for inner peace and re....
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aabaalyaat kila sampradaayavidhure vaideshike'dhvanyaham sambhramyaadya vimood'hadheeh' punarapi svaachaaramaarge ratah'. kri'tyaakri'tyaviveka- shoon....
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