Nyepi, also known as the Day of Silence, is a major Hindu festival in Bali, Indonesia. It marks the Balinese New Year and involves 24 hours of silence, fasting, and meditation. Celebrated primarily by the Balinese Hindu community, Nyepi serves as a time for self-reflection and spiritual cleansing. The day is characterized by a complete shutdown of daily activities: no travel, no entertainment, and minimal lighting. The purpose is to promote inner renewal and harmony with the environment.
Chandamama - March - 1987
Long long ago in a small village lived a poor man named Haridas. He earned his living by toiling daily in the fields or households of the wealthy.....
Click here to know more..Chandamama - November - 2001
Guru Pushpanjali Stotram
shaastraambudhernaavamadabhrabuddhim sachchhishyahri'tsaarasateekshnarashmim. ajnyaanavri'trasya vibhaavasum tam matpadyapushpairgurumarchayaami. vidy....
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