Abhinav Bharat celebrated festivals like Makara Sankranti, Ganesa Utsava, and Sivaji Utsava to unite the community, instill national pride, and spread revolutionary ideas.
The rule of Shirshaka in our Dharma Shastra punishes an accuser if the accused person is proved innocent in a trial. Then the accuser is considered wrong and is punished. This rule prevents people from making false accusations, as the accuser must declare beforehand that they will accept punishment if proven wrong. There are exceptions to this rule in the case of grave crimes, public scandals, etc.
Discover Abundance: Kubera Mantra for Wealth and Prosperity
ॐ घ्रीं घ्रीं घ्रीं घ्रों धनदाय नमः....
Click here to know more..Mahadeva Shiva Shambho
Krishna Varada Stuti
dooradooramupaaruhya patataamapi chaantaraa sakri'daakrandanenaiva varadah' karado bhavet ......
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