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Brilliant! -Abhilasha

We got a good opportunity to improve our spiritual knowledge thanks a lot for this group -User_sq4e85

The authoritativeness of Guruji's teachings on scriptures is remarkable, thank you 🌟 -Prathamesh

Thank you for your great work for dharma. -User_sm1ntj

Hari Om Very Crisp commentary Thanks -User_sdiavm

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Knowledge Bank

Who were Shishupala and Dantavakra?

Shishupala was the king of Chedi. Dantavakra was the king of Karusha. They were incarnations of Jaya-Vijaya on earth towards the end of Dwapara yuga. Both were killed by Sri Krishna.

What is the difference between Veda and Upanishad?

Upanishads are part of the Vedic corpus. The Vedic corpus can be divided into two parts: Mantra bhaga and Brahmana bhaga. The Mantra bhaga is also called Samhita. It contains praises of Devas, unraveling of the mysteries of the universe, and history. They are in the form of Mantras. The Brahmana bhaga contains 1. Vidhi - procedure for conducting yajnas. 2. Aranyaka - about upasanas and 3. Upanishad - the essence of Vedic knowledge.


Kailasa is ............

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