The name of the current Kalpa is Shweta Varaha.
The indications of a weak Sun are - lack of self-confidence, lack of willpower, inability to face difficult situations, fear, lack of drive, dependent on others, always looking for approval from others, lethargy, denial of ancestral property, anemia, less blood volume, lack of digestive power, weak heart, problems with blood circulation, pitta diseases, heat-related diseases, burn injuries, bone diseases, lack of immunity, inability to bear cold weather.
Mahadeva tells Brahma and Sri Hari to start chanting Omkara
The Rebirth Of The Saptarshis
Saptarshis were cursed by Mahadeva during Daksha-yaga. They had to go to Janaloka and take rebirth. Learn about this.....
Click here to know more..Shankaracharya Karavalamba Stotram
omityasheshavibudhaah' shirasaa yadaajnyaam sambibhrate sumamayeemiva navyamaalaam. onkaarajaaparatalabhyapadaabja sa tvam shreeshankaraarya mama dehi....
Click here to know more..