The duration of a Kalpa is 4.32 billion years. At the end of the Kalpa, a pralaya called Braahma-pralaya occurs. This is also called Naimittika pralaya or cosmic dissolution. In this pralaya, the three worlds- Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, and Swarloka are completely destroyed. The occupants of Maharloka shift to Jana-Loka and live there till the beginning of the next Kalpa. At the beginning of the next Kalpa, the universe is created from Maharloka downwards. Padma Purana.Srishti Khanda.
A verse from Tirumanthiram by TirumulaαΉ highlights the oneness of God, stating that there is only one God for the entire world, who is also the soul or essence of the world. The name 'Shiva,' refers to this one God, and it signifies Truth, Infinite Wisdom, and unbounded Grace. It emphasizes the unity and universal nature of the divine.
Yoganidra Devi: The Controller of Sleep
Reckless acts of the youth lead to dire consequences
Parashurama Ashtakam
keshavam jagadeeshvaram trigunaatmakam parapoorusham parshuraamamupaasmahe mama kinkarishyati yo'pi vai.....
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