As you go on utilizing it, it purifies you and makes you less and less attached to the world.
Parrot. Kamadeva has a name, Shukavaha (शुकवाहः). Shuka means parrot.
Jayadev’s Gita-Govinda and King Satvik’s Book
Vishnu Suktam
विष्णो॒र्नु कं᳚ वी॒र्या᳚णि॒ प्र वो᳚चं॒ यः पार्थि॑वानि �....
Click here to know more..Ayodhya Mangala Stotram
yasyaam hi vyaapyate raamakathaakeerttanajodhvanih'. tasyai shreemadayodhyaaye nityam bhooyaat sumangalam. shreeraamajanmabhoomiryaa mahaavaibhavabhoo....
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