The game of dice between the Pandavas and the Kauravas was orchestrated by Duryodhana, who envied the Pandavas' power after their Rajasuya Yagna. The first game, played in Hastinapura with Shakuni's deceitful help, resulted in Yudhishthira losing his kingdom, wealth, brothers, and Draupadi. After Draupadi's humiliation, Dhritarashtra intervened, returning their wealth and freedom. A few months later, Duryodhana convinced Dhritarashtra to arrange a second game. During this time, the Kauravas plotted to ensure severe consequences. The second game's terms dictated that the losing party would be exiled for 13 years, with the last year incognito. Yudhishthira lost again, leading to the Pandavas' exile. The short gap between the games allowed tensions to build, furthering the rivalry between the Pandavas and Kauravas. These events were pivotal in setting the stage for the Kurukshetra war, showcasing the Kauravas' treachery and the Pandavas' resilience. The repeated losses and Draupadi's humiliation fueled the Pandavas' desire for justice and revenge, ultimately leading to the great war depicted in the Mahabharata.
In order to develop single-minded devotion, the mind must be trained. It is natural for the mind to wander towards gossip, politics, sensational issues, worldly comforts, etc. When your mind wanders, draw it back to the lotus feet or the image of Bhagavan. Eventually, this tendency diminishes. Positive qualities such as faith, patience, tolerance, fasting, satwik diet, and brahmacharya can help develop a single-minded focus on Bhagavan.
How to develop bhakti
Kumari Pujanam during Navaratri - Why and How
Kumari Pujanam during Navaratri - Why and How....
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Aaryaambaajat'hare janirdvijasateedaaridryanirmoolanam Sanyaasaashrayanam guroopasadanam shreemand'anaaderjayah' . Shishyaughagrahanam subhaashyaracha....
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