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Your. Service is appreciated -Venkatesh

This website has a separate vibe❤️🔥🙏😌 -Garvitha Reddy

Vedadhara's work is praiseworthy, thank you 🙏 -Riya Sen

Hari Om Very Crisp commentary Thanks -User_sdiavm

Very useful & informative website about our sanathana dharma. -Bhanumathi R

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Knowledge Bank

What does Gabha mean?

Garbha in Sanskrit means the embryo. गीर्यते जीवसञ्चितफलदात्रा ईश्वरेण जठरगह्वरे स्थाप्यते इति गर्भः - to undergo the results of one’s own past karma, the almighty places it in the cavity of the belly.

Kol became Aligarh

The original name of Aligarh was Kol (Koil). This name was given by Balarama after he defeated the asura called Kol here.


Which worship does Pushti Marga focus on ?

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