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The future of Sanatan Dharma is bright because of your service 🌟 -Rimjhim Bodke

Honored to be involved in Vedadhara's charitable activities -Kajal salian

Happy to see the impact you are making by supporting Veda pathashalas and goshalas 🌺 -Vishwnath K

Super excellent information thank you 👌 -Elangoo PR

Wonderful we are getting such profound insights with authentic knowledge , no words can express our gratitude , -Chandrasekhar K

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Knowledge Bank

Does a bhakta have to give up worldly and scriptural duties?

Not necessarily; he would rather change every kind of duty as service to Bhagavan. For him, every task is an opportunity to serve Bhagavan.

The theory of error

The theory of error, or Akhyati ('nondiscrimination'), was proposed by Prabhakara, a philosopher of the Purva Mimamsa school in the 7th or 8th century CE. This theory explains why people make errors in judgment, such as mistaking the silvery shine of a seashell for a piece of silver. According to Prabhakara, the error arises from the inability to sharply distinguish between two true judgments: 'that object is silvery' and 'silver is silvery.' While both statements are correct on their own, the mistake occurs when the mind combines them into the false judgment, 'that object is silver.' The issue lies not with perception (pratyaksha) or memory, which provide accurate inputs, but with the mind's failure to consider alternative judgments critically.


What type of beings are snakes?

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