Shraddha does not only gratify one's ancestors. A person who performs Shraddha as per proper rituals and according to their means brings satisfaction to all beings, from Brahma to grass. - Brahma Purana
They don't belong to the same class. When desire for Bhagavan appears, desire for worldly objects starts vanishing. Desire for worldly objects is selfish. Desire for Bhagavan is selfless.
What is the meaning of Vayu?
Why Bhagavata Was Written
This audio discourse which is part of Bhagavata series tells you why Sage Vyasa wrote Srimad Bhagavata, and how Bhagavata is an avatara of Bhagavan in....
Click here to know more..Martanda Stotram
gaad'haantakaaraharanaaya jagaddhitaaya jyotirmayaaya parameshvaralochanaaya .....
Click here to know more..
3 years ago@ankitchakraborty4552
3 years ago