Jarasandha was an emperor. Kans was the king of Mathura. Mahabharata says that Kans derived his power from Jarasandha. Kans was Jarasandha’s son-in-law. Krishna killed Kans but did not kill Jarasandha even after 18 battles. Krishna tells Yudhishtira that he, Balarama, and the eighteen clans of the Yadavas would not be able to defeat Jarasandha even if they fought for 300 years.
Prishni was Aditi in her previous birth. Her husband was a Prajapati called Sutapas. They did tapas for twelve thousand years to propitiate Lord Vishnu and wanted the Lord to take birth as their son. Bhagavan took birth as their son three times. As Prishnigarbha, son of Prishni and Sutapas. As Vamana, son of Aditi and Kashyapa. And as Krishna, son of Devaki and Vasudeva.
Saved by Faith
Jada's unwavering devotion to Ganesha brings Goddess Kali's fierce intervention, proving that true faith can summon divine protection in the face of d....
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Brahma Suktam: Hymn of Creation ? and the Supreme Cosmic Knowledge ✨ ....
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sarve rogaah' prashaamyanti sarvaa baadhaa prashaamyati. kudri'sht'ijam bhayam nashyet tathaa pretaadijam bhayam.....
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