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Highly excellent religious platform with devoted service -Shanmugam26077

Thrilling experience. It is brilliant presentations. One must to knw the importance of the Vedadhara's efforts to inculcate Vedic knowledge among its readers. Thank you so much -Nadamuni

Your teachings on Hindu scriptures are clear and authoritative -Adrija

Hari Om Very Crisp commentary Thanks -User_sdiavm

very detailed explanation sir, thank you 🙏❤️💯 -Sandesh

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Knowledge Bank

How was Ganga related to Shantanu?

Ganga was Shantanu’s first wife. In his previous birth, Shantanu was a king called Mahabhisha. In Indra’s court, he looked at Ganga passionately. Indra got irritated and cursed Ganga to take birth on earth. Then she married Shantanu.

Rasi for Ashwini Nakshatra

Mesha Rasi.


Who was Sage Vyasa in his previous birth?

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