Hanumanji's mother Anjana used to serve Devaguru Brihaspati in her previous birth. Her name was Punjikasthali. Once she went to fetch water and came back late. Brihaspati cursed her to become a monkey.
You can understand his greatness only after listening to his leelas. The stories of his leelas have got great power to spiritually uplift you.
Vasantha Panchami
Vasantha Ritu (spring season) starts from the Shukla paksha panchami tithi of Magha masa. Thatβs why it is called Vasantha Panchami.....
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Navagraha Stuti
This stotra is a prayer to the nine planets (Navagrahas) to bestow their divine blessings. Each planet is invoked to provide specific boons, ranging f....
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