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Thank you for spreading positivity in our life. The work you are doing to preserve humanity is admirable . -Priya

Good Spiritual Service -Rajaram.D

Immense changes and positivity in my life, thanks to Vedadhara. Deeply thankful! -Yogendra Sharma

Exceptional! 🎖️🌟👏 -User_se91t8

Your work for the revival of Hinduism and support for vedic gurukuls is commendable 🙏 -varshini vaish

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Knowledge Bank

Safeguard Against Wrongful Prosecution in Dharma Shastra

The rule of Shirshaka in our Dharma Shastra punishes an accuser if the accused person is proved innocent in a trial. Then the accuser is considered wrong and is punished. This rule prevents people from making false accusations, as the accuser must declare beforehand that they will accept punishment if proven wrong. There are exceptions to this rule in the case of grave crimes, public scandals, etc.

What is the sanskar related to conception?

Conception at an auspicious time accompanied by divine worship and chanting of mantras for begetting a healthy and noble progeny is called Garbhadana sanskar.


Which is the place also known as Samantha panchakam ?

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