Rama came first. Avatara of Rama was in the 24th Treta Yuga. Avatara of Krishna was in the 28th Dwapara Yuga.
Kshetrapalas are deities that protect villages and cities. They are Shaiva in nature and their position in temples is South - East.
Shloka 21. Chapter 2
Draw strength from the Bhagavad Gita: Embrace change, act with purpose, and understand your role in the bigger picture.....
Click here to know more..Every newborn deserves the protection of the mighty Jatakama mantras
Guru Pushpanjali Stotram
shaastraambudhernaavamadabhrabuddhim sachchhishyahri'tsaarasateekshnarashmim. ajnyaanavri'trasya vibhaavasum tam matpadyapushpairgurumarchayaami. vidy....
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