Nyepi, also known as the Day of Silence, is a major Hindu festival in Bali, Indonesia. It marks the Balinese New Year and involves 24 hours of silence, fasting, and meditation. Celebrated primarily by the Balinese Hindu community, Nyepi serves as a time for self-reflection and spiritual cleansing. The day is characterized by a complete shutdown of daily activities: no travel, no entertainment, and minimal lighting. The purpose is to promote inner renewal and harmony with the environment.
Guru Nanak. Many scholars consider him as a Bhakti Saint. Guru Granth Sahib gives suggestions about how a Sikh can constantly practice bhkati. Sikhism professes nirguni bhakti.
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Famous Personalities
Shuddhananda Bharati - Philosopher - Learned, noble. Sean Connery - Actor - Popular, wealthy.....
Click here to know more..Bhishma Pitamaha: The Most Enduring Character from Mahabharata
Follow one of the most memorable characters in Mahabharata – Bhishma – a symbol of selflessness and commitment. Learn more about his life here!....
Click here to know more..Shiva Bhakti Kalpalatika Stotram
shreekaantapadmajamukhairhri'di chintaneeyam shreematkva shankara bhavachcharanaaravindam. kvaaham tadetadupasevitumeehamaano haa hanta kasya na bhava....
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