There is an idol of Rishi Agastya on top of Agastyarkoodam. In addition to this, there are Agastya temples in: Papanasam, Tirunelveli dist., Tamil Nadu; Vellalappatti, Madurai dist., Tamil Nadu; Agastyamuni, Uttarakhand.
Batuk Bhairav worhip involves Veera sadhana and often visit to cremation grounds. His sadhaka should have absolute control over the senses and mind. It is a very advanced form of sadhana and not meant for beginners.
The Lift Miracle: Saved by Durga’s Grace
The Lift Miracle: Saved by Durga’s Grace....
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Powerful mantra of Bhagavan Vishnu residing in Saligram. Invoke peace, prosperity, and the removal of all obstacles.....
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kshararoopaadipriyaanvita sundara saakshijagattrayasvaamishiva . saambasadaashiva saambasadaashiva saambasadaashiva saambashiva ......
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