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East or west Vedadhara is the best -Madhusudan Reddy

Guruji's deep knowledge of Vedas is amazing. Thank you Guruji.🙏😇 -Vijay Pandey

What you teach us everyday is great and salute to your dedication. Keep it continue -User_siadz6

Your content is truly unique and enlightening. Keep up the exceptional work. Many thanks.💐🙏 -K Jagan

Full of spiritual insights, 1000s of thme -Lakshya

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Knowledge Bank

What is adhikara?

In Sanatana Dharma, 'adhikara' means qualification or eligibility to perform rituals or spiritual practices. It shows that a person has the right knowledge, skill, and status to do certain rituals or duties. A person gets adhikara after formal teaching or initiation by a guru. The guru decides how much knowledge to give based on the student's ability, interest, and nature. Adhikara is very important in Tantra and other spiritual traditions. It ensures the person is ready to handle the responsibilities and spiritual practices correctly.

Who is the rishi connected to Vaimanika shatra?

Sage Bharadwaja is the author of the book on Vaimanika shastra.


Vande Mataram is part of which book ?

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